If your motor is not turning, follow these steps to troubleshoot the issue:
- Check the motor drive and motor:
- Is power supplied to the motor drive and motor?
- Most servo motor drives or advanced stepper drives have an onboard jog or test function. Does the motor move when using this function?
- If the jog or test function works, try swapping the EMotion controller with another pulse generator. Use the pulse generator to drive a pulse into the STEP signal or one of the CW/CCW signals. If the motor turns, then your motor drive and motor should be okay.
- Check the E-Motion controller:
- Is 24V power connected to the E-Motion controller?
- Ensure the EMotion settings match the motor drive settings. For example, if the drive is using STEP/DIR (1-pulse) mode, then EMotion should also be using STEP/DIR mode. If the drive is using CW/CCW (2-pulse) mode, then EMotion should also be using CW/CCW mode.
- If the motor is turning in the wrong direction or if the encoder is displaying the wrong direction, use the Inverse? function in the Motion Test Panel to correct the situation.